[Terraform] Invalid legacy provider address
When I tried to run terraform plan
or terraform apply
command, I got following error message:
│ Error: Invalid legacy provider address
│ This configuration or its associated state refers to the unqualified provider "aws".
│ You must complete the Terraform 0.13 upgrade process before upgrading to later versions.
Cause & Solution
After upgraded to 0.13, Terraform will use the new provider address format. Just run following command to upgrade the provider address format:
$ terraform state replace-provider registry.terraform.io/-/aws hashicorp/aws
Terraform will perform the following actions:
~ Updating provider:
- registry.terraform.io/-/aws
+ registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/aws
Changing 5 resources:
Do you want to make these changes?
Only 'yes' will be accepted to continue.
Enter a value: yes
Successfully replaced provider for 5 resources.